
Torta della nonna

One of the many traditions Italians have for Easter is the Torta della nonna: a shortcrust cake with a dense vanilla cream between the upper and lower dough. Once you have mixed together the shortcrust, let it rest for a good 30 mins in the fridge. For the cream, mix 4 eggs with 100g sugar and 40g flour. In a pan, slowly heat 400ml of milk with the zest of a lemon and some vanilla pulp. Once the milk is warm, add the egg mixture and stir all together over very low heat for about 10 mins and until it has reached the texture of a pudding. Once the cake it closed with the upper dough, poke it a few times with a fork before adding soaked pine nuts. Bake for 45 mins at 160 degrees. Add the powdered sugar once the cake is cold.

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